90% of papers published in academic
journals are never cited and as many
as 50% of papers are never read
by anyone
other than their authors,
referees, and journal editors.*
Publication alone is no longer enough. It is time to take your research beyond the journal article. Spine Infographics transforms complex literature into simple and visually appealing content, helping you

  • Increase readership
  • Improve your chances of getting cited
  • Influence policymakers
  • Build your research reputation
  • Showcase your work’s impact to potential funders

Whether you have published your very first research paper or you are an established author, our specialized team of scientists, communication experts, and designers are here to help you expand your research impact.

* Meho LI. The rise and rise of citation analysis.
Physics World. 2007;20(1):32-36.
Price: 750 USD, TAT: 1-2 weeks Order Now  

How it works

Service Guarantee

Quality Guarantee:
We are committed to delivering a high-quality deliverables, and will re-work on it free of cost if you are dissatisfied with the quality of the service.
On-time Delivery:
We know how important your time is, and therefore, promise to stick to to the deadline set at the time of assignment confirmation.
Information Security
  • Confidentiality: We adhere to a privacy policy that guarantees 100% confidentiality and allows researchers worldwide to submit their work to us with complete confidence.
  • Security: We understand the importance of data security. That is why we have taken all measures necessary to ensure all your information is secure. All our IT security management systems are ISO/IEC 27001:2013 –certified.
  • Payment security: In order to protect your credit card information, all online transactions are conducted using a secure 128-bit SSL encryption signed by VeriSign.

Frequently Asked Questions
Once you request for the Infographics service….

Who will create the infographic for my paper?

Our team of content writers, illustrators, and designers will work with you to render your article in a visually appealing format. We create high-quality graphics and use simplified text to convey the core findings and implications of your research such that even non-experts can understand your work.

What do I need to provide for you to create my infographic?

  • Original, high-resolution image files if available
  • Supplementary tables and figures
  • Supporting material such as PowerPoint presentations, posters, and relevant previous papers
  • We accept most compatible file types as long as file size is limited to 100 MB.

What if I am not happy with the quality of the service received?

That would be an unexpected result and we would be happy to coordinate with you to improve your Editage experience. Please contact our dedicated customer care team ( customercare@editage.com) with specific details.

What if I need to make some changes to the output?

We will be happy to make minor adjustments to the Infographics assignments free of charge. Please submit your questions using the "Submit Questions" feature in your Editage Online™ account. You will find it under the "Jobs & Questions" tab. Once we receive your questions, we will provide you a suitable deadline for the response.

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