Welcome USF students and alumni!

We appreciate your interest in the USF Mentoring Program. The program aims to create meaningful relationships supporting students' and alumni's personal and professional growth via the USF Link platform. Thanks to sponsorship from Student Government and the Alumni Association, there is no cost to participate. Follow the instructions to create an account and join the USF Link platform. If you already have an account click here to access USF Link.

Program Overview

  • All students and alumni are eligible to participate.
  • USF Link is an online platform similar to LinkedIn but is exclusively for USF community members. Users can sync their LinkedIn profiles and calendars easily.
  • Students and alumni mentors are paired based on career interests, skill development and academic experience.
  • Mentoring pairs can determine how best to communicate (virtually, in-person, phone). The platform will not share contact information unless you approve.
  • USF Link provides additional resources supporting career development, goal-setting, and skill-building. 

How to Join

  1. Create your USF Link account
    • Please register using LinkedIn or email. Don't click the blue "Student ID/SSO" button on the registration page.
  2. Complete the registration questions.
    • You can sync with your LinkedIn account to auto-fill your education, job history and profile picture.
  3. After your account is approved, log in to your account to join the mentoring program.
    • At the top of the page, look for the Connect drop-down menu.
    • Select Programs and press the Join button on the right side of the page.
    • Complete the required questions.
  4. You will receive an email notification when matched with a mentor/mentee.