Challenges are Made to be Defeated

A Framework to Overcoming Life’s Biggest Hurdles

Time to get T.O.U.G.H!

Because quitting is never an option.

 Your next life challenge is around the corner– will you be leading the charge or will you cave into the pressure? Develop the mental fortitude and confidence you need to prepare for life’s toughest battles with Wayne Magee’s motivational narrative, Tough Blows: A Lifelong Journey of Defying the Odds.

With a proven success record, Wayne demonstrates how not to submit to hardship and instead gain focused determination with a humble faith in God in order to exceed expectations. Stop succumbing to the “way things are.” Take heart, take charge, and get T.O.U.G.H.



Embrace UNITY


Ask for HELP


Defying the odds is not for the weak of mind and will require strength larger than your own.

Start winning challenges with the right resource.

Live Lessons in Leadership

Hear the practical steps on how to develop effective leadership skills amidst relational, community, and organizational challenges. Wayne is available to appear at your next guest speaking event, workshop, or lecture.

  • A Life Worth Reading About!

    “Buy this book as a life gift for any young person especially. Our challenges may be different but we all have to face them and this may be the tool to empower others to persevere until they realize their greatness!”

  • A Must Read in My Opinion

    “It is a very well written book. He shows how hard work and determination can help you beat the most difficult odds. Having supportive people in your corner is a blessing.”

  • Eye Opening and a Must Read for Leadership

    “I always had respect for him and this book enforced the respect I had for him. I left MMA without a degree and under his guidance 9 years later I have returned with new motivation to finish it. This is a must read if you are looking to enhance your leadership skills.”

  • Sweet, Inspiring Story

    “An easy inspirational read. Great messages along the way and the story held my interest the whole time! Nice to engage with something uplifting in this day and age.”