Tespa ®

What is Tespa?

Tespa is a network of students, competitors, and club leaders. Together, our students are changing the world of collegiate esports both on campus and on stage.


We believe in a world where gaming is celebrated by people of all ages, recognized as a force for good, and a catalyst for bringing people together.

Recognized as a Force for Good

Our student leaders have established hundreds of Tespa chapters across the United States and Canada, each serving as an open and inclusive hub for all types of gamers and games.

Join or start a chapter

  • 270+
    Number of chapters across North America
  • 120,000+
    Number of Tespa members & alumni
  • Boston University

  • University of Michigan

  • Ohio State University

  • University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign

  • University of Virginia

  • University of Nevada, Reno

  • University of North Carolina

  • University of California Irvine

  • University of Arizona

  • Texas A&M

  • University of Texas at Austin

Our core values are: Students First, Foster Inclusivity, Dream Big, Embrace Challenge, Build for the Future, and Create Opportunity.

Celebrated by People of All Ages

Tespa is the world's largest operator of collegiate esports leagues, forging partnerships with ESPN, Twitch, and other platforms to create incredible broadcast and in-game experiences for students and audiences everywhere.

Play in our competitive leagues

  • 1,350+
    Number of schools that have competed in Tespa tournaments
  • $3.3M
    Amount of scholarships & prizing awarded to students
  • 40,000+
    Number of competitors that have competed in Tespa tournaments

A Catalyst for Bringing People Together

Tespa started with three students who wanted to make gaming a social activity at UT Austin. Since then, Tespa has grown from those humble beginnings into a dream for the future, shared by our members, our players, our leaders, and our Tespa staff.

While our vision for college gaming is boundless, we’ve never forgotten the roots of our ambition – helping students find a path to their futures through gaming.