Sitter Background Checks

Your dog's safety comes first—always. That's why we offer 24/7 support, the Rover Guarantee, and general sitter background checks.

Safety is our top priority—always. If you see a profile badge on a sitter or dog walker's profile, that means they completed a background check. Through Sterling, a third-party service, sitters and dog walkers can take two different kinds of background checks.

Background checks include:

Basic background check badge

If you see this badge on a sitter or dog walker's profile, that means they've completed a Basic check confirming:

  • They aren't on any sex offender registry.
  • They aren't on any terrorist watchlist.
  • They aren't listed in the National Criminal Database* for any disqualifying criminal offenses.
Enhanced background check badge

If you see this badge on a sitter or dog walker's profile, that means they completed an Enhanced check, which is considered the most comprehensive criminal check on the market and includes:

  • Everything included in the basic check.
  • A manual search of county court records based on the person's address history.

* Note that not all counties report to the National Criminal Database, and not all counties report all offenses.