YOU BE THE JUDGE: Did a human write this post?

If you listened to the latest episode of There Are No Girls on the Internet or follow me on Instagram, you already know we were involved in a little bit of drama this week!

A few weeks ago, I speculated that a weird post on Essence Magazine's Facebook page was written by AI, specifically, AI trying to sound like a Black woman.

In a comment on my Instagram , Essence (or whoever runs their Instagram comments) implied the post didn't use AI and accused me of "reporting misinformation."

I told them I'd love to correct the record if they clarified how the post wound up on their page. Was it written by a sloppy human? AI? Something else!?

It's been 3 days and I still haven't heard back from them!

So I'm left wondering what is the truth?

In the absence of any clarifying information, I STILL very much believe this was written by AI, but I want to know what you think!

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There Are No Girls On The Internet

chronicling marginalized people's contributions to the Internet

There Are No Girls On The Internet

chronicling marginalized people's contributions to the Internet