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OGE Rate Review
City of Norman train depot with OG&E energy swoosh
What OG&E’s Rate Review Means for You

OG&E’s investments to strengthen the grid against extreme weather ensure our growing customer base across Oklahoma has reliable and safe electric service. 


Why OG&E is asking to change its rates

We know your top priority is reliable electric service to power your home and business. That’s why we continually harden, upgrade, and maintain the electric grid and our power plants to improve reliability and better serve you. 

Those investments are paying off as our customers experienced fewer and shorter outages in 2023 as compared to the previous three-year average. Considering these significant investments, we’ve asked the Oklahoma Corporation Commission (OCC) to review our rates. Our request asks for an increase in customer rates. 

How the rate review works 

The OCC will review all our infrastructure improvements and will determine which of those improvements can be included in customer rates going forward, along with other requests we’ve made in the rate review. 

OG&E and other stakeholders submit information to the OCC on the rate review request. The commission will hold a public hearing in mid-June.  

What does the rate review mean for me? 

Our request includes several initiatives that would directly benefit our customers, if approved by the Commission. 

  • A $60 annual increase in OG&E’s Silver Energy senior citizen discount. Visit to learn more. 

  • More resources for tree trimming and forestry management to reduce outages caused by trees and tree limbs, a main cause of outages. 

  • Power generation and electric grid improvement projects, such as recent investments since our last rate review in weathered hardened equipment, underground infrastructure, automation technology, as well as infrastructure we repaired or replaced after being damaged in storms or that needed modernization. 

How you can stay informed and share your opinion 

We created this page so our customers can learn about the rate review and follow updates in the process. Check back for updates and information as the rate review moves forward. 

The Commission’s open and transparent process encourages customers and stakeholders to share their input. 

Click here to submit a public comment.

OG&E Rate Review FAQs - April, 2024

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