Recent News Releases

Study reveals no causal link between neurodevelopmental disorders and acetaminophen exposure before birth

April 11, 2024 — NIH-funded research in siblings finds previously reported connection is likely due to other underlying factors.

AI model has potential to detect risk of childbirth-related post-traumatic stress disorder

April 11, 2024 — NIH-funded study suggests model could identify large percentage of those at risk.

AI makes retinal imaging 100 times faster, compared to manual method

April 10, 2024 — NIH scientists use artificial intelligence called ‘P-GAN’ to improve next-generation imaging of cells in the back of the eye.

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NIH Calendar of events, lectures, seminars, grand rounds, and other events.

Social Media

A listing of social media, multimedia, and outreach pages from across NIH's institutes, centers, and offices.

Other NIH Newsrooms

NIH Office of the Director is the central newsroom. Here's a resource for disease-specific newsrooms at the NIH Institutes and Centers.

NIH News Publications

NIH Research Matters

A weekly update of research advances from the National Institutes of Health.

NIH News in Health

A monthly newsletter of practical consumer health news and information based on NIH research.

NIH Record

A biweekly newsletter for employees of the National Institutes of Health.

NIH Catalyst 

A bimonthly publication that showcases the research conducted by scientists, clinicians, and trainees at NIH.