

A single nuclear power plant creates more jobs than any other type of energy generation facility.

The nuclear energy industry is a powerful engine for job creation. The U.S. nuclear energy sector directly employs nearly 100,000 people in high-quality, long-term jobs. This number climbs to 475,000 when you include secondary jobs. We cannot afford to lose nuclear jobs by closing plants, nor can we afford to miss out on thousands of jobs that building new reactors will create.

Quick Facts on Nuclear Industry Jobs

  • Each nuclear power plant employs 500 to 800 workers.
  • Nuclear power plants can operate out to 80 years or more, so a nuclear power plant can provide jobs for multiple generations of workers.
  • Building a nuclear power reactor employs up to 7,000 workers at peak construction.
  • Nuclear worker salaries are 50 percent higher on average than those of other electricity generation sources.
  • The U.S. nuclear industry spends roughly $11B annually on labor, which is approximately $100M per reactor per year.
  • For every 100 nuclear power plant jobs, 66 more jobs are created in the local community.
  • Nearly one in four nuclear workers are veterans.

Not Just Nuclear Engineering Jobs

The nuclear energy industry creates lasting, high-paying jobs for people from a wide range of fields and educational backgrounds. Recruiting from universities, community colleges, the military and the trades, nuclear power plants provide high-quality jobs to the whole community.

Skilled Trades Professions Engineering, Technicians & Radiologists
Carpenters Accountants Chemists
Electricians Cybersecurity specialists Chemical engineers
Operators of heavy equipment Communicators Radiation protection specialists
Masons Health physicists Reactor operators
Pipefitters Lawyers Scientists
Sheet metal workers Subject matter experts Nuclear engineers
Welders Policy analysts Safety and environmental impact specialists
Mechanics Entrepreneurs Civil engineers
Project Managers Financial managers Mechanical engineers

Strong Growth Projections for Nuclear Industry Jobs

The global demand for nuclear energy is rising rapidly and a new, next generation of reactors is on the horizon. Domestic job demand will skyrocket if the U.S. can maintain its nuclear technology leadership in the global marketplace.