Create Your Recording!

Recording info

CC’s graduation ceremony is May 19th, 2019. If you plan to receive your diploma on stage, and want the Dean to read your name correctly, we need you to do the following:

·       Spell out your full name;indicate what each part of your name rhymes with and which syllables are accented. For instance, if “Eva” is your first name: show whether “Eva” is pronounced AY-vah (AY as in “bay” or “sleigh” and “vah” as in “spa”) or EE-vah (EE as in “me” or “tea” and “vah” as in “spa”) or Eh-vuh (Eh as in “edit”and “vuh” as in “rough”). Use capital letters to indicate which syllables are accented.

·       Example: Eva Cassandra Weitinger (AY-vah Cas-SAUN-druh WHITE-eeng-ghur)

·       Now, voice record your first, middle, and last name as you would like these names read aloud. If you do not want your middle name read, do not voice record it. Please speak slowly and clearly.

·       (If you have previously registered on the NameCoach site, please follow the link and sign in with your original email address and password under 'Already Registered on our Site?'). 

      Please email David Trevithick (, paraprofessional in the deans office, if you have any questions or problems.  

Please audio record the pronunciation of the full name you wish to be called by others at your school (e.g., faculty, staff and graduation announcers).

You can record your name by using the Web recorder, or by uploading a file from your computer Having trouble recording? Web recorder option Uploader option
Record your name using our web audio recorder.
To record your name please click the “Record” button, wait till the end of the countdown, pronounce your name and click the same button again to stop recording.
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