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Liat Ben-Moshe is an activist-scholar-educator-researcher working at the intersection of incarceration, decarceration, abolition and disability/madness. Her work aims to expand what counts as incarceration to include all carceral locales (including residential institutions for people with intellectual disabilities, psych facilities and prisons/jails) and to connect deinstitutionalization, disability and mad movements to prison abolition activism through an intersectional lens.

Book cover of Decarcerating Disability by Liat Ben-Moshe. This cover shows a green bullseye shape shattering into pieces in the middle. The cover text reads Decarcerating Disability: Deinstitutionalization and Prison Abolition with Liat's name in the top right hand corner.

"Decarcerating Disability is a groundbreaking feminist study of the affinities, interrelations, and contradictions between prison abolition and psychiatric deinstitutionalization. Emphasizing the need for a more expansive field of critical carceral studies, Liat Ben-Moshe compellingly demonstrates the important lessons we can discover through serious engagements with radical disability movements. Scholars and activists alike should read this book without delay!"

 - Angela Y. Davis, University of California, Santa Cruz

Book cover of Disability Incarcerated by Liat Ben-Moshe. This cover shows an abstract blue, black, and white drawing that depicts interlocking thorns and branches. The title "Disability Incarcerated: Imprisonment and Disability in the United States and Canada" is in white text overlaying a maroon square.

"Provocative, original, and timely, this collection reveals inextricable links between disability and incarceration. Each study of confinement places disability in sustained dialogue with broader forces and identities, including race, gender, sexuality and class. Accessible prose and collaborative projects attest to the transformative power of activist scholarship."

- Susan Burch, Associate Professor of American Studies and former director of the Center for the Comparative Study of Race and Ethnicity, Middlebury College, USA

Book Cover of Building Pedgogical Curb Cuts. The book cover shows a red background with white text that reads "Building Pedagogical Curb Cuts: Incorporating Disability in the University Classroom and Curriculum." There is a series of white outlines boxes stacked in a brick laying format going horizontally across the cover as a design element.

“This book reaches beyond the scope of strategies-focused compliance with the ADA, and through initially positioning chapters that disrupt able-ist curriculum and pedagogy, the editors emphasize socially responsible curriculum and universally accessible design….. The overall effect is that the reader is not immediately focused on compliance with the bare-minimum of federal policy, and is instead treated, first, to the ideas of those who think beyond compliance."

- Susan Baglieri, Teachers College, Columbia University

Upcoming/Recent Events 

UMass Amherst - Feb. 16, 7 PM (Eastern), Register here. CART, ASL provided 

The 47th annual Scholar and Feminist Conference organized by BCRW “Living in Madness: Decolonization, Creation, Healing.” Feb 23, 6:30 PM (Eastern) Register here 


Wake Forest University- April 8

UCLA- April 20. Disability, Decarceration, & Decoloniality

Abolition of Prisons and Disability Confinement. The Yi-Fu Lecture Series, Department of Geography at the University of Wisconsin – Madison. April 29, 2022. Join here

Image of Liat Ben Moshe sitting next to a bookshelf filled with books. Liat is sitting to the right of the image. She is a white presenting woman with short red hair and glasses. She is wearing a royal blue shirt. The bookshelf to the left of her is showcasing one of her books, "Disability Incarcerated."


Thanks for submitting!

Liat Ben-Moshe, PhD


Criminology, Law and Justice 

4056B BSB (M/C 141)

University of Illinois at Chicago

1007 W. Harrison Street

Chicago, IL 60607-7140

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