
Kumara and peanut butter doggy treats
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Kumara and peanut butter doggy treats

Show your dog some love by baking these cute dog biscuits. Just make sure you use pure peanut butter with no additives.
Serves: 20
Time to make: 45 mins
Hands-on time: 20 mins
$AVER recipes were costed at $5 or below at the time of publication. We are mindful that seasonal and regional availability and price fluctuations occur - click here for healthy shopping tips for greater savings.


You can replace mashed kumara with 1 small mashed ripe banana, but you won’t have to add any water to the mixture.

HFG tip

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Foods to never feed your dog

  • chocolate
  • onions
  • raisins
  • spices such as curry, paprika or cayenne pepper
  • garlic
  • salt and pepper
  • grape
  • walnuts
  • coffee
  • butter and dairy foods
  • corn

Only use a very small amount of oil if cooking meat.

If feeding leftovers, be mindful of what they contain – do they have butter or salt in them? If so, don’t use them.

Vege boost!

A wide range of vegetables can be fed to your dog, whether fresh or frozen, such as peas, carrots, potatoes, kumara, broccoli, green beans, pumpkin and spinach. If choosing canned vegetables, check they contain no salt.

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