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About Creative Justice

Decades of research show that juvenile incarceration fails—it does not increase public safety; places youth in crises at further risk, dampening their future prospects and ability to thrive; and wastes tax dollars that could be used in much more productive ways. In response, efforts locally and regionally have made remarkable strides decreasing reliance on youth incarceration.

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What we do

In exchange for their creative work, youth receive community service credit and stipends that incentivize participation while helping to pay court fines and other expenses. Family members are engaged in the projects in various ways, including participation in hands-on activities.

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Who is creative justice

Experienced mentor artists lead several 12 to 16 week-long intensive project sessions per year in a variety of disciplines.

During the sessions, participants meet two times a week to dialogue, create, and share a meal. Sessions Include: artistic skill building with an emphasis on social practice; discussion and learning rooted in principles of anti-racism and social justice; individual and collaborative creative work; and opportunities to give and receive feedback.

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Support and a call to action

We’re envisioning new opportunities to care for youth rather than locking them away. Youth—the people most impacted by the juvenile justice system—work in collaboration with artists, lawyers, mentors, and family members to create solutions. We believe that the system needs to be fixed, not our youth.

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