What We Do

The CPS HR Institute for Public Sector Employee Engagement services offers an online engagement survey and national benchmarks, as well as action planning and integrated solutions to improve engagement.

Employee Engagement Survey

The Institute's employee engagement survey, carefully constructed to measure engagement specifically in the public sector, includes questions that represent nine workplace factors – or drivers – of employee engagement. We designed our online survey to be comprehensive and specifically apply to government. We also tailor our survey to meet the specific needs of our clients, and offer paper surveys, language translation and a wide range of reporting options, including through our online reporting tool.

CPS HR absolutely protects the confidentiality of each employee's survey responses.


A key Institute service are benchmarks from our national survey of employees in the private and public sectors that represent a wide range of industries/occupations and geographic locations. These Institute-developed benchmarks, available exclusively to our clients, allow participating organizations to compare their results to the engagement levels of both public and private sector organizations. Our benchmarks can be broken down by state, local and federal government.

Unlike some other engagement survey providers, we do not use client data for benchmarks. Using client data results in biased benchmarks because they may not represent the general population. In contrast, our Institute benchmarks, which we periodically update, represent the national public and private sector workforces.

Key Driver Analysis

Our approach is action-focused. We use a key driver analysis to reveal which workplace factors, based on the employee survey responses, have the most influence on employee engagement. By identifying these key drivers, we enable our clients to focus on the workplace factors most likely to drive their employees’ engagement levels.

Support for Action Planning and Implementation

While the Institute has deep survey expertise, we are far more than a survey organization. We provide support after the survey to help our clients identify and implement actions to respond to survey results. This includes customized advice and recommendations ranging from quick wins to more extensive consulting-based approaches that cover the full range of human resources solutions. We also conduct focus groups to drill down on survey results, and facilitate action-planning workshops to help clients decide how to respond to survey results.


Contact us today for pricing information!