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ComplianceNet Conference 2021

The 2021 ComplianceNet Conference was completely virtual. Below, check out the program and some videos from the conference. 



Opening Remarks and Plenary

The 2021 ComplianceNet Conference kicked off with opening remarks by Colin Provost and a plenary session with Christine Parker, University of Melbourne, Sir John Gieve, Former Deputy Governor, Bank of England, Walter Merricks, Former Chief Ombudsman, UK Financial Ombudsman Service, and Judith van Erp, Utrecht University. Watch the opening remarks and plenary session below. 

Keynote Lecture and Awards Ceremony

John Braithwaite, Australian National University, was the ComplianceNet Lifetime Achievement Award Winner. He gave the Keynote Lecture at the 2021 ComplianceNet conference. 

Lisa Buchter received the Junor Paper Award for her paper, "Getting out of the ellipsis of diversity, When activists influence compliance to antidiscrimination law by providing prefigurative programs and implementation resources."

Brett McDonnell received the Senior Paper Award with co-authors Hari M. Osofsky, Jacqueline Peel, Anita Foerster for the paper, "Climate Change Enters the Boardroom."

Cambridge Handbook of Compliance

Corporations, human rights and compliance
Wim Huisman, Universiteit Vrije Amsterdam
Corporate crime deterrence
Natalie Schell-Busey, Rowan University
Melissa Rorie, University Nevada Las Vegas
Constructing the content and meaning of law & compliance
Shauhin Talesh, University of California Irvine
The dark side of compliance
Josephine Sandler Nelson, Harvard University
Chair: Benjamin Van Rooij, University of Amsterdam

A View of Compliance in U.K. and U.S. Practice

Zach Coseglia, Ropes & Gray
Amanda Raad, Ropes & Gray
Alexandra Chesterfield, NatWest Group
Beth Haddock, Warburton Advisers
Lawrence Deju-Wiseman, PwC
Chair: Josephine Sandler (J.S.) Nelson, Harvard University

Closing Plenary Panel Session: Compliance Complexity in Multinational Corporations

Cristie Ford, University of British Columbia
Jodi Short, University of California Hastings
Lauren Edelman, University of California Berkeley
Chair: Melissa Rorie, University of Nevada, Las Vegas

Compliance: Arguments for Various Models

Cynthia Williams, York University
Jonathan Lipson, Temple University
Robert Bird, University of Connecticut
Robert Mass, Goldman Sachs
Laurie Smiley, Institutional Investor Legal Forum
Chair: Josephine Sandler (J.S.) Nelson, Harvard University
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