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The wrestling world says goodbye to Scott Hall

Scott Hall was a lot more than just Razor Ramon or the nWo. His career spanned decades. Despite battles with personal demons, Hall had a good reputation with “the boys”. He was known to be a selfless performer (“I’m not a mark for myself,” he once said when asked if it bothered him he’d never won a World title). His work inspired countless wrestlers, and he was known as mentor for many — especially after he got clean in 2013.

For those and other reasons, the internet is flooded with remembrances and tributes to the two-time WWE Hall of Famer as word spreads of his death today (Mar. 14, 2022) at age 63.

Here are some of those (where someone quote-tweeted WWE’s “In Memorium” message, we’ve copied the text and the sender’s name is a link to their original message, except in instances where they added another image):

Mick Foley: Scott Hall was a towering figure among his contemporaries - a legend inside and outside the ring.
My deepest condolences to his friends, family and everyone who loved him.

Shane McMahon: I am so deeply saddened by the loss of Scott Hall, a singular talent and in my view, perhaps the greatest to ever preform in the squared circle.
I will miss you, my friend.
God speed. “Hey yo”

Satoshi Kojima: We did business together in Japan more than 20 years ago.
He gave me a lot of advice.
He was always smiling.
I am very sad.

The Bad Guy was loved. There have been so many of these in the hours since it was announced that Hall was gone, we’ve surely missed many — and probably will have another batch or two in the days ahead.

Feel free to share any you see, and your own remembrances, in the comments below.

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