A place to talk about Equity

Who We Are/What We Do

Hosted by the Literacy Council of Montgomery County (LCMC), Bridging the Gap is a conversation series and podcast that seeks to start a dialogue about equity and how we build a more just society through the power of education.

We invite you to bookmark this site and check back with us regularly. We will have four live discussions over the next year, and starting in October 2020, we will be adding a monthly podcast that delves deeper into the role that education plays in bringing about a more just and more equitable society.

The Conversation Series


February 11, 2021 at 7PM

For our second live reading event, we will be taking up The Far Away Brothers, with the book’s author, Lauren Markham. The Far Away Brothers tells the story of identical twin brothers who escape El Salvador's violence to build new lives in California. Our discussion will center on the challenges faced by Latino immigrants in the US.

Native Believer.png

May 20, 2021 at 7PM

What does it mean to be a Muslim in the American context? How is the Muslim community understood in the media and by other non-Muslim communities? We seek to take these discussions up as our invited speaker for this event unpacks Native Believer, a novel by Ali Eteraz.


August 26, 2021 at 7PM

American Born Chinese tells three stories of Chinese Americans struggling against many of the stereotypes and misunderstandings of Chinese culture in America. In our 4th installment of Bridging the Gap, we will unpack those stereotypes and use the book to broaden our understanding of the challenges faced by the Chinese-American community here in Maryland and across the US.

The Podcast