2023 Fall Retreat

Taking Refuge in Dharma:  Entering the Fullness of Each Moment 

In the Zen tradition, the word Dharma is layered with levels of meaning. Dharma can refer to the teaching of the Buddha and of other awakening beings, including our teachers, and when we listen and take in these reflections, we can take refuge in the wisdom shared. 

On another level, Dharma is available to us in every moment, in every circumstance, if only we turn towards it and allow the truth of what is to reveal itself to us. In meeting life in this way, listening, looking, feeling, opening to things as they are, we can intimately enter into the immediacy of experience available in each moment.  

As humans we often struggle to turn towards life in this manner, many are the barriers and hesitations to be present, especially when our circumstances are difficult or painful. And yet, this is our commitment as Bodhisattvas, to enter the reality of each moment, pause, wait, maintain awareness, allow the truth of what is needed to emerge, and then respond with appropriate and compassionate action. 

Meeting and responding to the Dharma is our practice and our vow.

This retreat is an invitation to gather together and find shelter in the presence of others as we embody this practice of meeting life in this way.

12-14 October, 2023

St. Paul, MN & Online

8 AM - 5 PM CST Daily

For information on any of the elements listed in the schedule, please see our Community Glossary

Our Teacher - Flint Sparks

Flint Sparks  (Jigen Kōshin Rōshi) is a Zen teacher and former psychologist dedicated to assisting people in the unending path of growing up and waking up. An experienced therapist and a master teacher, Flint's teachings bridge the fields of traditional Buddhist practice and the psychology of awakening.  Flint lives on the island of Molokai in Hawaii and in recent years has has extended his work into the contemplative arts, especially photography.  In whatever capacity, his vow is to help soften barriers to love and serve as a clear and caring resource on the path of freedom from unnecessary suffering. 

Flint is a senior teacher at Appamada in Austin, Texas and is the Guiding Teacher for Open Door Zen Community in Madison, Wisconsin, Just This consortium of Sanghas across the UK, and Awakening Together Zen Community in Minneapolis, MN. 

For more information, visit flintsparks.org

Join us in person -  at Carondelet Center (Space limited)

1890 Randolph Ave, St Paul, MN 55105


Join us online (via Zoom).


The cost for the retreat is $325 to attend in person or $150 to attend online. ATZC is committed to accessibility and economic inclusivity, so please pay what you can based on your circumstances.  

$325 - In Person (actual cost)

$150 - Online/Virtual

Other - Chosen Amount (Pay what you can) - This can be either a reduced amount or an amount greater than the suggested cost if your situation allows you to pay a higher amount.  Paying a higher amount supports the attendance of others who may not have the financial means to pay the full amount.  

Please read the ATZC cancellation policies for information about refunds and cancellations.