Access the database of internship opportunities

This database contains internship opportunities submitted by host organizations. The database will be updated as organizations add and fill internship opportunities. To apply to any of these opportunities, fill out this form. If you have questions about a specific opportunity, please contact the host organization directly.

You can preview the database below or use the full database via Airtable. Tips for navigating the database:

  • If some of the text in the database appears hidden, click on the cell and hit the space bar to expand the entire internship entry.

  • Accessing the full database is not necessary, however, doing so provides additional options for searching and makes the information more readable.

  • The "filter", "group", and "sort" tools allow you to manipulate the data and search for certain conditions. For example, you could search for opportunities that are remote and require research and data analysis skills.

  • Contact information for each opportunity is listed in the database - be sure to include the exact email address in your application to ensure the host organization receives your application.

  • Changes you make to this sheet will not change the database itself, so feel free to filter, select, and hide fields.

  • Decide which fields to view by using the "hide fields" button and turning certain columns on and off.

  • You can download the database or copy and paste cells.

Don’t worry - when you work in the database, it does not alter it for other viewers.

For other questions, please read the FAQ or direct questions about the NC COVID-19 Response Corps to

Please note that we invited government and nonprofit organizations to submit opportunities for 2021 starting on March 1. We encourage you to check frequently for new postings.