Important: This article applies to Outlook for Windows clients only. Outlook for Mac does not have an option to import/export rules.

Outlook rules can be imported/exported as .rwz files within different versions of Outlook. 

In Outlook 2007 and older, rules are stored in the default Outlook files location, so you can use that file to backup your rules or import them to Outlook on a different computer. To open the default folder for Outlook files, go to Windows Start > Run and insert the path %USERPROFILE%\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\Outlook.

Since Outlook 2010 the rules are stored inside your .ost file, so there will not be a separate .rwz file in this location. You will need to create the file using the instructions below.

Note: There are 2 types of rules - server-side and client-side. If you want to transfer your rules to another computer's Outlook, there's no need to export-import server-side rules as they are kept on the server and will populate automatically on the new Outlook profile. You will only need to export-import client-side rules. Read the Knowledge Base article Server-side Vs Client-side Rules for more information on the difference between the 2 types of rules.

To export the rules:

  • Outlook 2007: Navigate to Tools > Rules And Alerts > Options. In the Options window, click Export Rules, and choose a file location.
  • Outlook 2010/2013: On the File tab on the Ribbon, navigate to Info > Manage Rules and Alerts > Options. In the Options window, click Export Rules, and choose a file location.
  • Outlook 2016/2019/365: Navigate to Home > Rules > Manage Rules & Alerts > Options or File > Manage Rules & Alerts > Options. In the Options window, click Export Rules and choose a file location.
    By default Outlook 2016 uses this location: %USERPROFILE%\AppData\Local\Microsoft\Outlook

    Note: To check your Outlook version, navigate to File > Office Account.


To import the rules: 

  • Outlook 2007: Navigate to Tools > Rules And Alerts > Options. In the Options window, click Import Rules, and choose a file location.
  • Outlook 2010/2013: On the File tab on the Ribbon, navigate to Info > Manage Rules and Alerts > Options. In the Options window, click Import Rules, and choose a file location.
  • Outlook 2016/2019: Navigate to Home > Rules > Manage Rules & Alerts > Options. In the Options window, click Import Rules and choose a file location.
    By default Outlook 2016/2019 uses this location: %USERPROFILE%\AppData\Local\Microsoft\Outlook

Always check all the imported rules to make sure they are still active. Sometimes they can appear deactivated (especially in the case of rules for moving or copying to a folder) because Outlook can't be sure that the destination folder is the same as in your original rule.

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