CMVS Student Services: 5th - 8th 

Welcome to the 2023/24 school year! We are very excited to get started serving the diverse needs of your learner. Please use this page to learn more about your  elementary and middle school student services team, and find helpful links to use throughout the school year. If you have any questions or concerns, do not hesitate to reach out to any member of the team. Remember, it's a great day to be a charger! 

CMVS: 5th - 8th Grade Student Services Team 

School Counselors: 

Grades 5-7 : Ms. Brunson -

Bookings Link: Book a Meeting with Ms. Brunson

Grades 8/ 504: Ms. Naples -

Email Ms. Naples for an appointment!

School Social Worker: 

 Ms. D'Andra Troy -