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Account Management Menu (


6.0 - Updated on 04/11/2024 by Hyo Lee (hlee)

4.0 - Updated on 05/03/2023 by Rick Byers (RB51)

3.0 - Updated on 04/28/2023 by Rick Byers (RB51)

2.0 - Updated on 08/02/2021 by Trevor Jerue (jerue)

1.0 - Authored on 04/01/2019 by

Account Management Menu


Students, employees, and affiliates use an online service to keep up with their USC information. The Manage User Account system allows individuals to manage their credentials and contact information.


Account Claiming


The Account Claiming button assists new applicants and students with the account setup process.  New Hires The setup process is different for each group. Knowledge articles with specific instructions are listed below:  


Update Account Settings


The Update Account Settings button takes existing users to the Account Management interface where they can manage the following account information:


The Account Management interface is different for each group. Knowledge articles with specific instructions are listed below: 


Forgot Password

The Forgot Password button assists with the resetting passwords. A link to instructions is here.


Forgot IDs

The Forgot IDs button assists users in retrieving Network Username VIP ID, and USC ID. Instructions are here.


Need Further Assistance? / Reclaim Account

The Reclaim Account button helps individuals correct their account information so that they can access USC online services. Follow this knowledge article for assistance with this process.