Thank you for your interest in Proposal Support!

Depending on the needs of the project, support may include a range of services, including Sponsor or Opportunity identification, Proposal Coordination, Grant Writing Assistance, Critical Review, and Content Development. To request assistance, please complete the survey below with details regarding the opportunity and the nature of the services you are requesting.

Please note: RDS's primary charge is to assist with proposal submissions for which potential awards would be made to Vanderbilt University. In most cases, RDS isĀ not able to assist with proposals for which awards would be made directly to the individual and not to Vanderbilt. In these cases, we suggest that faculty reach out to their department for assistance or to VU's Writing Studio.

Your request will be reviewed by Research Development & Support (RDS).

Please allow up to 5 business days for a response to your request.

Thank you!

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