Please complete each required field for your requested event. Completion of this form is due no less than 90 days prior to the event date.  

  • Please note guest artists will be responsible for registering as Suppliers in Oracle - instructions and assistance walking the guest artist through this will be provided by Meg. 
  • If you have questions about this process, please contact Meg Sutherland.
  • If the fee for the performance is $5,000 or more, if the guest artist has representation (regardless of how much they are being paid), or if the event will requires the Production Services Team, Meg Sutherland will contact you and the guest artist about completing a Vanderbilt Performing Artist Agreement (PAA).
  • Reminder: Please do not sign any contracts (guest artist or otherwise).
  • If you require Technical Serives for your event, please complete this link 

    Recital/Event Request Form

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