Florida Distance Learning Association Conference

Submission Agreement

Follow the instructions below to submit to Florida Distance Learning Association Conference. You will be notified shortly regarding the suitability of your submission for Florida Distance Learning Association Conference.

Before submitting, please read all relevant policies and/or submission guidelines.

The submission process consists of the following steps:

  1. Read and accept the Submission Agreement below;
  2. Provide information about yourself and any co-authors;
  3. Upload your abstract and presentation format.

Before you begin, please be sure you have the following items:

  • Short Description (approximately 75 words): A short summary clearly indicating the content and scope of the session, and how it relates to the conference theme.
  • Abstract (approximately 300 words): A more detailed description of the session, including what specifically will be covered; the audience it is intended for; how it will be presented; the application to research/scholarship, theory, and/or practice; and how it relates to the conference theme.
  • Session type: Select the session type that best describes your proposal:
    • Concurrent Presentations – 20 minute presentation. The presenters in the session will be grouped together based upon a common theme as much as possible with each presentation having 20 minutes to present. A moderator will assist in keeping time. A Q & A will occur at the end of the session.
    • Roundtable – Present for 5 to 10 minutes with the presenter facilitating a discussion of the topic presented. Good topics for roundtables include best practices, trends, or issues for online educators.
    • Poster Session – Create, develop, and present a poster (physical or digital) on a current topic or research study. Posters are good for promoting a session or roundtable or for presentation of tools, quick tips, or tricks for educators. Posters will be judged on appearance, organization, and engagement. A panel of judges will award a prize for the best poster.
    • Product Showcase – 20-minute presentation. Matching vendors with educators showcasing pedagogical implementation of products. Good for K-12 or higher education user/vendor partnerships.

Author Agreement

Author Agreement for deposit in Nova Southeastern University’s institutional repository, NSU Works.

Submission to NSUWorks requires that author(s) enter into an author’s agreement regarding the deposit and use of the items being submitted by the author(s). This agreement reaffirms the author(s) desire to deposit the work in an openly accessible repository, and warrants the rights and permissions associated with that action.

This agreement grants NSUWorks (“the Repository”) permission by the author(s) of the submission for the deposit and use of the items being submitted. This agreement reaffirms the author(s)s' desire to deposit his or her work in an openly accessible repository, and warrants the permissions to the Repository associated with that action.

By checking the box below, I direct that the work I am depositing (the “Work”) be stored and made available publicly in NSUWorks, Nova Southeastern University’s open access repository, as it may evolve (the “Repository”).

Where I or we, the author(s), retain the right, and grant to Nova Southeastern University the non-exclusive right to preserve and reproduce the Work, and to display, distribute and make the Work available publicly without charge from the Repository, in any compatible format, so long as it does not alter the original contents of the Work. Where I, as author, do not retain the right, it remains with the publisher.

I represent and warrant that:

  1. I have the right to deposit the Work in the Repository and to grant to Nova Southeastern University the rights stated in this agreement;
  2. The Work does not infringe or violate any copyright or other rights of a publisher or any other party. Distribution of the Works from the Repository will not infringe or violate any such rights;
  3. If the Work contains any material for which I do not hold copyright, and for which I have not obtained rights to distribute or make available, my use of that material is protected under the fair use doctrine;
  4. If the Work contains any material for which I do not hold copyright, I have obtained all rights necessary to permit the Works, including that material, to be distributed and made available from the Repository;
  5. If the Work is based upon work that has been sponsored or supported by an agency or organization other than Nova Southeastern University, any right to review or other such obligations of the sponsorship or support agreement have been fulfilled.
  6. If the Work was prepared jointly with other authors, I am authorized to sign this Agreement on their behalf as well as my own.
  7. I understand that once a Work is deposited in the repository, it may not be removed.