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AKC Fetch

AKC Fetch Judges Education

Purchase for $20

Note: AKC Fetch Judge applicants MUST reside in the United States, in a U.S. Territory, or on a U.S. military base.

The judges for AKC Fetch are AKC judges of all types or AKC-approved CGC Evaluators. All judges and evaluators must complete the required training materials, watch videos for each title, pass the online test, and upload their applications here on Canine College. 

After a review of your course completion and application, you will receive a notification that you are approved to judge AKC Fetch!

Here is the course outline:

1. AKC Fetch Judge Resources

An overview of Fetch tests, judge responsibilities, and setting up your Fetch course

2. AKC Fetch Videos

Videos of each individual test level - Novice, Intermediate, Advanced, and Retriever.

3. AKC Fetch Test for Judges

Two items to complete, an attestation and the Fetch exam.

4. AKC Fetch Judge Application

Application to become a Fetch judge

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