
Historic Preservation Grant Program

Established in 1977, LPC's Historic Preservation Grant Program (HPGP) offers grants ranging from $10,000 to $30,000 primarily for façade restoration to not-for-profit organizations and income-eligible owners of buildings located in historic districts, or are designated individual landmarks. The grants are funded through the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development's Community Development Block Grant Program (CDBG). The grant program looks favorably upon applicants that can, to the extent possible, provide matching funds. Learn more about the Federal CDBG program.

Applicants who are awarded grants also benefit from hands-on assistance from HPGP staff. Staff members help with preparing the contractor bid documents, assist in selecting qualified contractors, make site visits as work is underway and are in general a useful resource for answering questions and providing guidance.

Owners of buildings that are either listed or eligible for listing on the National Register of Historic Places may also qualify for a HPGP grant. To find out if a building is either eligible for listing or has been listed on the register, please call the New York State Office of Parks, Recreation & Historic Preservation at (518) 237-8643.

1. Who qualifies?

  • Owners who meet the federal CDBG income limits for household income.
    Learn more about CDBG income limits
  • Not-for-profit organizations that own a designated individual or interior New York City landmark or a building located within a designated historic district. The organization must be a charitable, scientific, educational, literary, or other entity organized under section 501 (c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code that provides a benefit to low and moderate income persons or areas.
  • To determine whether the area or property is within an income-eligible census tract, you can use our Discover NYC Landmarks map. Here's a quick video tutorial.

Please note that owners and not-for-profit organizations that have received a grant in the last ten (10) years are not eligible for a new grant. Federal regulations may restrict the use of CDBG grant funds for buildings used for religious purposes. Historic preservation of buildings used for the general conduct of government is not eligible for grants under CDBG.

2. What kind of work is eligible?

Grant awards are used to help fund the cost of non-emergency restoration of deteriorated facades. Eligible façade work includes, but is not limited to: masonry rebuilding and repointing, restoration of façades, sills, lintels and roofs, paint removal, stoop repair, and repair and replacement of windows, cornices, and front doors. A grant may also be applied to interior work on designated New York City interior landmarks.

3. What criteria are used in awarding a grant?

The HPGP has a board of directors that selects the grant recipients. In determining which applications will be approved for funding, the HPGP board considers the following:

  • The architectural and historical importance of the building;
  • The building condition and the significance of the repairs;
  • The applicant's financial resources;
  • The effect the grant will have on improving the building and/or district.

Please note that preference is given to owners who use other funds in addition to the grant to restore the façade of their building.

4. How Do I Apply for a Grant?

Please fill out and return the application form to the Landmarks Preservation Commission.

Please note that there is a review process before a grant is awarded and that after grant recipients are selected, bid documents need to be prepared, the work competitively bid out, a contractor selected and a contract signed. Because there are a number of steps in the process, please understand that if you are a successful grant applicant, work will not begin immediately.

LPC Grant Program forms are also available in Spanish and Chinese. If you require assistance in another language, please call 212-669-7817 or email LPC will provide free language services, including translation and interpretation, to any person requiring assistance.

5. Are there any other financial benefits available for historic properties?

In addition to LPC’s Historic Preservation Grant Program, the New York State Historic Preservation Office offers a tax credit program and the New York Landmark Conservancy has a Historic Properties Fund. You may combine these financial incentives if you qualify. 

On October 28, 2020, LPC partnered with the State Historic Preservation Office and the Conservancy to offer a financial benefits webinar to discuss these opportunities. Check it out here.