Value Blueprint

Eco's new framework for driving predictable growth through a world-class "revenue operating system."

Led by Brent Adamson, we've built a step-by-step blueprint for moving your organization increasingly closer to a world-class, organization-wide value discipline. The blueprint is meant to increasingly align sales, marketing, customer success, service, enablement, and operations around a common vision of customer value in ways specifically designed to boost predictable growth, revenue and improve customer experience.

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Use this blueprint to examine and rate your organization's current capability across each of these dimensions. Then use those ratings to determine an aggregate assessment of your current overall "maturity level" and identify two or three criteria that you prioritize for increased focus. 

We believe the shortest path to world-class value is also the best path to increased, predictable growth. Value is simply the "environment" in which all other commercial activity is carried out.

As we like to say at Eco, it's a roadmap to "the Right Growth, in the Right Way."

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