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Blockchain certificates validation

Simple webapp to validate blockchain certificates issued to the blockchain. Uses blockchain-certificates code to validate.


This project requires python3. Clone this repository and inside the project directory:

  • Create a python virtual environment with python3 -m venv venv
  • Activate the virtual environment: . venv/bin/activate
  • Install the requirements: pip install -r requirements.txt
  • To start a development server on port 18080: python To start a production server on port 8080: ./

You may edit the script to fit your needs (see Gunicorn options). Stop the gunicorn server with ./

If any changes are made to the code or configuration (config.ini), the development or production server needs to be restarted in order for the changes to take effect.


In order to customize the webapp you can put your custom config.ini, logo.png and main.css inside the customize/ folder and run ./ script inside the project directory to copy them to the relevant directories.

If you pull an updated version of the webapp (e.g. with git pull), you need to rerun ./ in order for your custom files to be in the correct locations again. Also, after updating check config.ini for any new or changed options.


When a new version of the underlying libraries is available, there will be a warning displayed at the top of every page of the webapp. Follow the procedure below to update to the latest version.

cd blockchain-certificates-validation
git pull
. venv/bin/activate
pip install --upgrade blockchain-certificates

You must rerun the script in order to copy your custom files to the relevant locations.


Restart the server and refresh the webpage for the changes to take effect.

config.ini options

Option Explanation and example
Blockchain related
testnet if this option exists with any value, testnet will be used for verification instead of mainnet. Comment it out to use mainnet. Example: True
Appearance related
logo_text text to appear under the logo (accepts HTML). Example: CERTIFICATE VERIFICATION
upload_label_text text to appear above the upload PDF button. Example: Please upload a certificate for verification
issuer_name name of the organisation or person that issued the certificate (accepts HTML). Example: University of Neverland
contact_name name to contact for manual verification. Example: Mr. John Smith
contact_email email to contact for manual verification. Example:
general_text text to appear at the top of the upload PDF page (accepts HTML). Example: <p>Sample text 1</p><p>Sample text 2</p>

To override the logo that appears at the top of the page, overwrite the static/logo.png file with your own logo. You may also customize colors and other styles by editing static/main.css.