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ClienteDAO - alterados statements para utilizar o metodo setString do…
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… PreparedStatement para evitar SQL Injection

- alterados statements para utilizar ilike ao inves de like para pesquisar sem case sensitivity
BancoDeDados - colocado ponto e virgula apos todas as queries.
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Anonymous-pc authored and Anonymous-pc committed Jun 10, 2015
1 parent 511afa7 commit f59ac95
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Showing 2 changed files with 28 additions and 11 deletions.
35 changes: 26 additions & 9 deletions src/java/br/com/magazine/dao/
Expand Up @@ -32,9 +32,14 @@ public class ClienteDAO {
private final String stmtRemoveCliente = "update Cliente set inativo = true where idCliente = ?";
// private final String stmtRemoveItemPedidoCliente = "delete from itempedido where idpedido = (select idpedido from pedido where idcliente = ?)";
// private final String stmtRemovePedidoCliente = "delete from pedido where idpedido = (select idpedido from pedido where idcliente= ? )";
private final String stmtBuscarNome = "select * from Cliente where nome like ";
private final String stmtBuscarCPF = "select * from Cliente where cpf like ";
private final String stmtBuscarEmail = "select * from Cliente where email like ";
private final String stmtBuscarNomeCliente = "select * from Cliente where nome ilike ? and perfil = 1 and inativo=false order by nome";
private final String stmtBuscarCPFCliente = "select * from Cliente where cpf ilike ? and perfil = 1 and inativo=false order by nome";
private final String stmtBuscarEmailCliente = "select * from Cliente where email ilike ? and perfil = 1 and inativo=false order by nome";

private final String stmtBuscarNomeFuncionario = "select * from Cliente where nome ilike ? and perfil in (2,3) and inativo=false order by nome";
private final String stmtBuscarCPFFuncionario = "select * from Cliente where cpf ilike ? and perfil in (2,3) and inativo=false order by nome";
private final String stmtBuscarEmailFuncionario = "select * from Cliente where email ilike ? and perfil in (2,3) and inativo=false order by nome";

private final String stmtBuscarEmailExato = "select * from Cliente where email = ?";
// private final String stmtProcuraSobreNome = "select * from Cliente where sobrenome like ";
// private final String stmtProcuraCPF = "select * from Cliente where cpf like ";
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -270,7 +275,9 @@ public List<Cliente> buscarFuncionarioNome(String nome) throws SQLException, Cla

try {
con = ConnectionFactory.getConnection();
stmt = con.prepareStatement(stmtBuscarNome + "'%" + nome + "%' and (perfil = 2 or perfil = 3) and inativo=false order by nome");
nome = "%"+nome+"%";
stmt = con.prepareStatement(stmtBuscarNomeFuncionario);
rs = stmt.executeQuery();
return montaListaClientes(rs);

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -302,7 +309,9 @@ public List<Cliente> buscarFuncionarioCPF(String cpf) throws SQLException, Class

try {
con = ConnectionFactory.getConnection();
stmt = con.prepareStatement(stmtBuscarCPF + "'%" + cpf + "%' and (perfil = 2 or perfil = 3) and inativo=false order by nome");
cpf = "%"+cpf+"%";
stmt = con.prepareStatement(stmtBuscarCPFFuncionario);
stmt.setString(1, cpf);
rs = stmt.executeQuery();
return montaListaClientes(rs);
} catch (SQLException e) {
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -333,7 +342,9 @@ public List<Cliente> buscarFuncionarioEmail(String email) throws SQLException, C

try {
con = ConnectionFactory.getConnection();
stmt = con.prepareStatement(stmtBuscarEmail + "'%" + email + "%' and (perfil = 2 or perfil = 3) and inativo=false order by nome");
email = "%"+email+"%";
stmt = con.prepareStatement(stmtBuscarEmailFuncionario);
rs = stmt.executeQuery();
return montaListaClientes(rs);
} catch (SQLException e) {
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -363,7 +374,9 @@ public List<Cliente> buscarClienteNome(String nome) throws SQLException, ClassNo

try {
con = ConnectionFactory.getConnection();
stmt = con.prepareStatement(stmtBuscarNome + "'%" + nome + "%' and perfil = 1 and inativo=false order by nome");
nome = "%"+nome+"%";
stmt = con.prepareStatement(stmtBuscarNomeCliente);
rs = stmt.executeQuery();
return montaListaClientes(rs);

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -395,7 +408,9 @@ public List<Cliente> buscarClienteCPF(String cpf) throws SQLException, ClassNotF

try {
con = ConnectionFactory.getConnection();
stmt = con.prepareStatement(stmtBuscarCPF + "'%" + cpf + "%' and perfil = 1 and inativo=false order by nome");
cpf = "%"+cpf+"%";
stmt = con.prepareStatement(stmtBuscarCPFCliente);
stmt.setString(1, cpf);
rs = stmt.executeQuery();
return montaListaClientes(rs);
} catch (SQLException e) {
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -426,7 +441,9 @@ public List<Cliente> buscarClienteEmail(String email) throws SQLException, Class

try {
con = ConnectionFactory.getConnection();
stmt = con.prepareStatement(stmtBuscarEmail + "'%" + email + "%' and perfil = 1 and inativo=false order by nome");
email = "%"+email+"%";
stmt = con.prepareStatement(stmtBuscarEmailCliente);
rs = stmt.executeQuery();
return montaListaClientes(rs);
} catch (SQLException e) {
Expand Down
4 changes: 2 additions & 2 deletions web/BancoDeDados.sql
Expand Up @@ -52,7 +52,7 @@ idCliente int,
valorTotal real,
data DateTime,
situacao int

create table itemPedido(
Expand All @@ -61,4 +61,4 @@ idPedido int,
irProduto int,
quantidade int,
valorUnitario int

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