Studio Art



The printmaking area equally embraces traditional and emerging practices in the medium of print. Interdisciplinary activity is supported, and students are encouraged to explore the connections between printmaking and other studio disciplines.


The curriculum requires students to develop both technical proficiency and familiarity with history and contemporary theory. Beginning classes allow students to practice the creative process using a wide range of shop techniques. Intermediate and advanced classes emphasize individual growth and the realization of a strong personal vision.

The program offers opportunities to participate in exhibitions, conferences, and workshops, on campus and in a broader arts community. Instruction takes place in a workshop environment, including the following facilities: digital imaging and output, intaglio, stone and plate lithography, photo-mechanical processes, relief, and screen print.

Contact Us

For information about applying, visit our Prospective Students page or call us at (205) 348-5967. Thinking of a Bachelor of Fine Arts (BFA) major in Printmaking? Here is a sample four-year plan for the BFA in Printmaking.

Printmaking Faculty

Ten BFA Studio Art Majors Exhibit Thesis Work in the SGAG

The UA Department of Art and Art History presents the Bachelor of Fine Arts in studio art degree group exhibition, April 30-May 4, 2024, in the Sella-Granata Art Gallery, Woods

John Klosterman is Visiting Artist at University of Wisconsin-Oshkosh

Over UA’s spring break, the University of Wisconsin-Oshkosh printmaking club invited UA printmaker and instructor John Klosterman to be visiting artist for a week. Klosterman started his week with a

Kat Murray to Present MFA Exhibition at Sella-Granata Art Gallery

The UA Department of Art and Art History presents the Master of Fine Arts thesis exhibition of Kat Murray, titled Regulars, from March 29 to April 9, 2024, in the