What is the AURC?

The Accessibility User Research Collective (AURC) is national network of people with disabilities who are interested in participating in accessibility and usability studies. The AURC connects people with disabilities to product developers in the technology industry to inform inclusive and accessible design of their products and services.


How do I join the AURC?

Complete this membership form about you, your accessibility needs, and your technology use. This helps AURC researchers match you to AURC studies that you may be eligible for. This membership form is estimated to take about 20 minutes to complete, and you may skip questions or stop completing this membership form at any time.

We welcome anyone who is an adult with a disability living in the United States of America. If you need assistance in completing this membership form, please email AURC@shepherd.org or call 404-350-7667.


How do I participate in AURC research studies?

AURC researchers use this membership form to identify eligible participants for new studies. If your membership profile matches the study needs, AURC researchers will contact you and ask if you would like to participate. You may also visit our website to check for studies for which we are currently recruiting: Open Studies - Accessibility User Research Collective

By filling out this membership form, you are NOT committing to participate in any future studies with the AURC.


How is my information protected?

Records of your participation in this membership form will be held confidentially. Only the AURC research team and the Shepherd Center Research Review Committee will have access to this information unless otherwise required by law.

A participant identification number will be assigned to your name and contact information in our database. Research documents will use only your participant identification number instead of your name. The information you provide will be stored on a computer network maintained by Shepherd Center that is protected by password access and a firewall. Data sent over the internet may not be secure. When we present or publish the results of this questionnaire, we will not use your name or other information that may identify you.

If at any time you would like to leave the AURC, please email AURC@shepherd.org.


Will I be paid for participating?

There is no compensation for completing this membership form. However, if AURC researchers contact you regarding a new study that you may be eligible for, compensation may be available and additional information will be discussed.


Who can I contact if I have questions or concerns?

You may contact the AURC Director, Dr. John Morris, at 404-367-1348 and John.Morris@Shepherd.org.

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