BOOK NOW AVAILABLE: $20 retail; $10/ book for a class or community set of 30

Darlene Rodriguez

Darlene Xiomara Rodriguez, Ph.D.

Dr. Rodriguez is an assistant professor of social work and human services at Kennesaw State University. Her research and teaching interests are on civic engagement and political participation, especially as it relates to the utilization of nonprofit organizations as both service and advocacy partners for policy change. She has a keen interest in Latino and immigrant integration and how immigration status status facilitates or impedes social welfare, social services, and social justice for newcomers to the U.S.

Focus Areas

Immigrant Integration

Focus on immigrant-serving nonprofit organizations and their effectiveness in facilitating immigrant integration into the U.S. social and economic fabric.

Welcoming Communities

Researcher, writer and speaker on the Welcoming Movement--whose focus is on making communities more inclusive for everyone, including racially and ethnically diverse foreign-born residents. 

Nonprofit Managment & Leadership

Mentor and teacher of individuals "to develop, deliver, and administer public, nonprofit, and private social services with the goal of improving the quality of community life."

Civic Engagement

Researcher, author, and speaker on the different concepts that nonprofit administrative staff and volunteers have of civic engagement and what that means for nonprofits' strategic direction, work, and funding.


Teacher and mentor to students in the Social Work and Human Services Program at Kennesaw State University in Kennesaw, Georgia.

Green Card Youth Voices: Immigration Stories from an Atlanta High School

Green Card Youth Voices: Immigration Stories from an Atlanta High School

“Green Card Youth Voices: Immigration Stories from an Atlanta High School allows us to bear witness to the formidable strength and resilience of our country’s immigrant youth.  At a time when immigrant children—including those seeking protection and family reunification—face insurmountable barriers, immigrant youth voices helps us discern facts from false-rhetoric, humanity from fear-mongering.  These powerful voices shed light on the journies, the struggles, and the undeniable hopes and dreams of immigrant youth.  I want to thank each and every one of them for inspiring us and for allowing us to stand with them as they forge ahead during these uncertain times with great valor and determination.”

- Maria M. Odom, Vice President for Legal Services, Kids in Need of Defense (KIND)

Book Now Available

  • $20 retail; $10/book for a class or community set of 30 
  • Interested in scheduling an author reading, community conversation?
  • Would you like to rent the traveling interactive exhibit that complements  the book?
  • Let me know! Contact me HERE

Click HERE to watch the trailer of the book.

"People will forget what you said, 

people will forget what you did,

but people will never forget how you made them feel."

-Maya Angelou