2023-2024 "Brag Sheet"
Congratulations! You're taking the next step in your life journey.

The information you provide on this form will help your counselor write a really strong recommendation letter for you. Unlike a teacher's recommendation letter, a counselor's letter gives a broader portrait of you, the student. Typically, a counselor recommendation letter is intended to shed light on a student's overall academic journey, extracurricular activities, areas of impact inside and outside of school, and any special circumstances or challenges.

We want to paint you in the best possible light, outlining your strengths in your many different environments: home, school, artistic, faith-based, athletic, volunteer, etc. Therefore, the more information and details you share, the clearer you will help us understand you and your life story. Please keep in mind that what you share in your responses may end up in the letters we write. So, if there's an important life event or context you want us to know without us sharing it with college admissions offices or "outside" professionals, please explicitly state so in your response. We will treat your information sensitively.

Please do your best to share what you can. We may schedule a follow-up meeting with you to ask clarifying questions and/or learn more about some of the responses you shared.3
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