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Ethnic Studies Letter of Support
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To Provost Poser, UIC Undergraduate College Deans, and Faculty Senate Members,

The University of Illinois at Chicago serves one of the most diverse student populations in the country. While there are a number of resources for students of color here at UIC, such as cultural centers, academic support units, and student organizations, efforts to continuously create a culture of inclusion within the wider student body must be expanded. The lack of administrative efforts to create a sustainable culture of inclusion directly disregard ongoing internal efforts of students and faculty  to help provide students with the necessary and robust education needed to exist in both the University and wider society with an anti-racist mindset and intent.


In order to continually uphold UIC's mission to, "create knowledge that transforms our views of the world and, through sharing and application, transforms the world," we must ensure students are equipped with the knowledge that will ensure they "transform the world" for everyone, for the better.  


Currently, racism is America's most challenging and pressing issue. Its effects are seen and experienced in every field, at every level, in every part of our country, as well as the world.


This means, regardless of the major and career any student chooses to pursue, anywhere in the world, a student must be aware of the injustices that exist within it. If not, UIC fails to fulfill their mission to provide students with the intellectual resources needed to truly transform the world as civic and social leaders.


We, the undersigned students, faculty, staff, and allies call for an ethnic studies general education requirement for every undergraduate student, regardless of college or major. A completed proposal can be found in USG Resolution 2020-F06-1104.