The Lives We Touch: Jess’ Story

10/07/2021 This post was written by arcstone

Three years ago, Jess Buckner got a call that changed her family’s life forever. Their house was on fire… and it was a total loss.

From the beginning Jess worked to keep her family together– a difficult task to place her and her children along with her husband and his children- all 10 people in their blended family.

I don’t mind sleeping on the floor, but I always want my kids to have something to sleep on… and then a kitchen table because I value family dinners, it’s an important piece to be able to cook and come together.

After a year and a half struggling with homelessness, Jess and the family found stable housing, and received a fresh start from Bridging.

When you’re coming out of a tough life, you are not used to people being nice. You’re used to people saying, “What did you do to get there?” To have people just be kind, it’s a relief, it’s relaxing.

Today, Jess is graduated from college with a degree in divinity, and is able to work with the community as a mentor to others. Not only has the family continued to flourish, but Jess has been able to give back, and help others who are going through similar situations, through fostering youth. She looks forward to opening up her own agency to help runaway and displaced youth.

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