APU Application for Employment

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1- Application
2- Background Check
3- Self Report

Application - Personal Information

* indicates required field
* First Name
* Last Name
Present Address  
* Street Address
* City   * State * Zip
Permanent Address
* Street Address
* City * State * Zip
Are you 18 years or older?
Are You Legally Authorized to Work in the United States?
  If hired, APU will follow verification and documentation rules during the hiring process per U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS) provisions.
 * Day-time Phone
Night-time Phone
 * Email Address

Desired Employment

* Position
* Date Available to Start
* Desired Wage $
* Would you be willing to be considered for other positions in the University?
If yes, which one(s):
* Are you employed currently?
If so, may we inquire of
your present employer?
If "No", why not?
* How did you hear about us?
Which source told you about us?


High School  
# of Years Attended
Subjects Studied/Major/
Degrees Obtained
# of Years Attended
Subjects Studied/Major/
Degrees Obtained
Trade, Business or Correspondence School  
# of Years Attended
Subjects Studied/Major/
Degrees Obtained
Professional Memberships
Name of Organization
Member Since

Special Training/Skills/Studies

Please list any special certifications, skills, training, or studies:

Former Employment

Please provide information for three previous employers below.
Most Recent Employer  
Company Name
Street Address
City State Zip
Start Date
End Date
Starting Pay
Ending Pay
Reason for Leaving
May we contact your supervisor?
If "No" why not?

Employer 2  
Company Name
Street Address
City State Zip
Start Date
End Date
Starting Pay
Ending Pay
Reason for Leaving
May we contact your supervisor?
If "No" why not?

Employer 3  
Company Name
Street Address
City State Zip
Start Date
End Date
Starting Pay
Ending Pay
Reason for Leaving
May we contact your supervisor?
If "No" why not?

Professional References

Please provide information for three professional references (not relatives) below.
  Reference 1  
* Name
Street Address
City State Zip
* Phone Number
Years Known
  Reference 2  
* Name
Street Address
City State Zip
* Phone Number
Years Known
  Reference 3  
* Name
Street Address
City State Zip
* Phone Number
Years Known

Armed Forces Service

Branch of Service
Discharge Date
Special Skills Acquired
* Have you been convicted of a felony or misdemeanor within the last 7 years?
If "Yes", please explain the circumstances.  (This will not necessarily exclude you from consideration)


Alaska Pacific University is an “at will” employer. This means that employment and compensation can be terminated, with or without good cause and with or without notice, at any time, at the option of the University or the employee. The employee should understand that no representative of the University has any authority to enter into any agreement for employment for any specified period of time, or to make any agreement contrary to the foregoing. Employees should understand that the materials which they may receive do not create a contract of employment and that no word deed or conduct shall be construed as creating a contract between that employee and the University. The University retains the absolute right to terminate employment and compensation, at any time, with or without good cause.

In consideration of my employment, if I am employed, I agree to conform to the employment policies of this University. I understand that completion of this application for employment does not guarantee that this University has employed me. If employed, I agree to engage in no outside activity which would involve a material conflict of interest with, or which could reflect adversely on the University. If employed, I agree to hold in strictest confidence any information concerning the University and its agents, which may come to my knowledge.

Also in consideration of my employment, if I am employed, my submittal confirms that I have the qualifications to meet the educational, experience and physical requirements of the position for which I am applying.

The University has my permission to obtain all necessary information from the references I have listed, or any other sources, concerning my prior employment history, driving record, education, character, general reputation, and personal characteristics. I release all parties from any possible damages resulting from disclosing such information with or without prior written notice to me. I reserve the right to know the names and addresses of any investigative agencies used in order that I may learn the information contained in any reports furnished to the University.

My submitting this application attests the above information is true, correct and complete to the best of my knowledge and should the University employ me, any misrepresentation or false statement or omissions of facts contained herein will be considered grounds for disciplinary action up to and including immediate termination.

My submittal also attests that I understand that Alaska Pacific University is an “at will” employer and that employment and compensation can be terminated, with or without good cause, and with or without notice at any time.

Signature Date:

Use the buttons below to upload your supporting documents. Your documents must be a file of type: .txt, .doc, .docx, or .pdf. The maximum size limit per file is 4 MB. Please include your name and desired position in the file names, to ensure they are uniquely named after they are uploaded.

* Resume/CV: 
Cover Letter: