Susanna Eken Voice Teacher
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Susanna Eken - Voice Teacher

Susanna Eken


Voice instruction



About Susanna Eken

Susanna Eken - Voice Teacher
Together with an extensive musical and artistic knowledge Susanna Eken’s method of teaching is rooted in contemporary psychological and physiological principles.
Combining the results of modern voice-science with the demands of classical bel-canto singing the aim of her method is to develop the individual vocal/musical/artistic talent as far as possible, and to develop singers with a healthy and balanced technique that can endure a long performing career. Eken’s technique has proved successful in training young singers on to a high level of professionalism and, equally important, in rehabilitating singers with problems due to a poor technique.

Talent improvement
Susanna Eken was awarded the prestigious ‘Improvement of Talent’ award by Talent-DK in 2008. She received the accolade for her relentless curiosity, enjoyment and enthusiasm and for her outstanding work developing young singers thereby making Denmark the frontrunner and center point for contemporary opera education not only in Scandinavia but all of Europe.

In 1998 her book ‘Den Menneskelige Stemme’ (The Human Voice) was published.
The focus of the book is both analytical and pedagogical, and it describes the dynamic relationship between psyche and soma, between heredity, environment and the professional imprint (development, improvement, rehabilitation, re-education), which can be added to the natural instrument.

Download 'The Human Voice' or 'Den Menneskelige Stemme' (Free pdf-files)

The site was updated March 28th 2022

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