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  • Robocall Hotline:(844)-8-NO-ROBO
  • All Other Complaints:(877)-5-NO-SCAM
  • Outside NC:919-716-6000
  • En Español:919-716-0058

Report Robocalls

Thank you for sharing information about the calls or texts you received.

When you report these calls or texts to our office, you are helping us with our work to identify and bring to justice the businesses that make these annoying and harmful communications. 

Once we collect this information about robocalls and telemarketing scams, we can

  1. Share these bad numbers with our federal law enforcement partners so they can spot national trends and scams;
  2. Conduct our own investigations when we see a pattern in the complaints; and
  3. Share these numbers with the telecom industry so they, too, can investigate the calls that are impacting their customers and assist law enforcement in locating the bad actors.

Once we know who is making these calls or texts, our office can investigate whether these businesses and individuals are doing so in violation of the law.  If they are, we can bring enforcement actions against these companies and can ask the courts to stop them from doing business in our state.

Thank you for your assistance in our fight against robocalls and telemarketing scams.