[Integration]{class="badge positive"}

Sending documents and Linking assets

[AEM Assets Essentials]{class="badge informative"}

Learn how to send Workfront documents to to Assets Essentials, and link Assets Essentials assets to Workfront.

Let’s take a look at how we can use the Adobe Workfront and Experience Manager Assets Essentials integration to share assets between these two Adobe apps. Before we get into how this has actually done, let’s make sure we understand the common use case for using Workfront and Asset Essentials together. This integration typically centers around the management of the creation of new creative and marketing collateral. At a high level, the flow typically goes something like this. In Adobe Workfront, a request is initiated for the creation of new marketing materials. This request is converted into a Workfront project with supporting tasks that are in turn, assigned to the creative and marketing teams to execute against. Often, existing brand assets that should be reused in the creation of the new marketing materials are added to the Workfront project. So these might be things like logos or approved and licensed imagery. The creative team then takes these assets and reuses them in their new marketing materials as needed, as well as manages all the work they’re performing in Workfront. When finished, the creatives upload the new assets to Workfront for review and approval. And once the assets are finally signed off by the reviewers in Workfront, and the approved assets are sent to Asset Essentials, which is the lightweight dam solution for storing and managing approved brand assets. In this video, we’ll take a deep dive into two aspects of this flow. The first is how to collect and expose existing approved brand assets from Asset Essentials in Workfront, for use in the new marketing materials. And second, how to send newly created assets that have been uploaded to and approved in Workfront to Asset Essentials.
So first, let’s take a look at how we can create new documents in Workfront that link to existing assets in Asset Essentials. In Workfront, we’ll navigate to the project managing our work, and then in the lesson, I’d click into documents where the Workfront files are listed. Since we’ll be adding approved brand assets from Asset Essentials, let’s go ahead and click into our brand assets folder so we can add them there. From here, tap add new and select from AMS at Essentials and note that this label may be different based on how your Workfront system administrator named this configuration.
In Asset Essentials, asset selection screen will display. Along has to find and select the existing assets that we want to link to in Workfront. Let’s let this palm tree image for use in our new marketing campaign materials.
Once linked, the assets show up as a Workfront document with the red Adobe icon next to them, indicating that the document is sourced from Asset Essentials.
We can link as many assets as we need to support this Workfront project, and we can even link out to entire folders in Asset Essentials to share the folders contents back into Workfront.
Okay, so now our creative team that has been assigned the work of creating our new marketing materials has quick and immediate access to all the branded assets we want them to use. Now from Workfront, our team can click into the documents, preview them in Asset Essentials using the preview button, and this will take them into the Asset Essentials view of the asset, as well as download the asset to their local file system for use.
Let’s jump forward in time to when a creative team has uploaded the new marketing materials to Workfront, and they’ve been approved for use by our project stakeholders. Now these files are ready to be sent to Asset Essentials and made part of the organization’s official catalog of brand assets. In Workfront, we’ll navigate to our project and open documents.
We can locate the document to send to Asset Essentials. And remember that documents that already have a relationship between Asset Essentials and Workfront are marked with a red Adobe icon, so you can see that this one doesn’t have it. Clicking into this preview, we can see the creatives did indeed use the approved WKND logo, as well as the licensed palm trees image.
While we’re here, let’s update some of the document details metadata as this will help illustrate how not only the file gets sent to Asset Essentials, but any mapped metadata field values will as well.
When the work print system administrator set up the integration, several Workfront fields were mapped to asset metadata properties. So for example, the Workfront documents description field is mapped to the assets description field. So let’s go ahead and update that, and we should be able to see this value reflected in Asset Essentials after we send the document over.
Likewise, a few custom fields were mapped to Asset Essentials as well.
So let’s update those while we’re here. We can set cost to 500 and the campaign season to summer.
Okay, I think, we’re ready to send this Workfront document and it’s mapped metadata over to Asset Essentials. For this, select the document, tap send to, select the Asset Essentials environment that we want to push this document to. And again, note that the name of this Asset Essentials environment may appear differently based on how your Workfront system administrator defined this integration. Also note that for the send option to become available in Workfront, at least one asset must have been linked from Asset Essentials to Workfront, establishing the initial connectivity. So if you don’t see the send to menu option, try adding an asset from Asset Essentials to Workfront and see if that resolves the issue. After tapping send to, we’ll be prompted to select the location in Asset Essentials to send this document to. After selecting the destination, a success notification alerts us the document was sent to Asset Essentials. We can also see that a new red Adobe icon appears next to the sent document, indicating a linkage between the Workfront document and Asset Essentials. And finally, let’s quickly double-check that our document and its mapped metadata were indeed sent over to Asset Essentials.
For this, we can navigate to the main menu, tap into our integrated Asset Essentials environment, navigate to the folder we selected as part of the send to operation and here we can see our asset.
Open the assets details and making sure that the info side bar is open on the right, which displays the assets metadata, we can see the assets description is updated with the value we added to the Workfront documents description.
Likewise, if we tap into the Workfront tab, which by the way was set up specially for this environment by our Asset Essentials admin so we could see the mapped Workfront metadata, we can see all the other mapped metadata from Workfront in Asset Essentials as well. From system managed fields like the document ID to custom work from fields like costs in campaign season.
All right, so I hope this helped you understand how easy it is to both link existing assets from Asset Essentials to Workfront, and to send approved assets from Workfront to Asset Essentials. -