How to change the transaction timeout of an application server in PDFG service

This video describes the process of changing the transaction timeout of an application server in Forms PDFG service.

Hello everyone. In the previous video, we showed you how to update the server conversion timeout and server global timeout. In this video, we will show you how to update the global transaction timeout. In continuation to the previous example, since the timeouts need to be increasing order, we will change the value of the transaction timeout to 1000 seconds in WebSphere and Jboss application servers. For the WebSphere application server, log into the application server and inside the WebSphere administrative console navigation tree navigate to server, server types, WebSphere application servers, and select the server name.
Next, under the container settings, click on container services, then transaction service, increase the timeout value of the maximum transaction timeout to 1000 seconds. Hit save to update the timeout value and restart the application server to make the changes effective. You can update the corresponding AEM forms config file in the JBoss server. In this case, navigate to the configuration folder inside the standalone directory of the AEM forms and open the lc_turnkey.xml file inside, update the default timeout variable to 1000 seconds and save the file. Restart the application server to make the changes effective. -