FFAR Stakeholder Survey

Dear Friend of FFAR, 

The Foundation for Food and Agriculture Research (FFAR) is conducting a strategic plan refresh. As part of this effort, we would appreciate your input via a short 15-minute survey. We will close this survey on Monday, April 1 at 8pm EDT.
The survey seeks input from you in two areas: 

1.      Your perspectives on FFAR’s value proposition and model
2.      Your food & agriculture R&D priorities & needs, including roles that FFAR could play and what you are looking for in a partner
All results will remain anonymous and non-attributable. We are partnering with a third-party, the Boston Consulting Group (BCG), on the strategic plan refresh and this survey. Should you have any questions or technical issues, please reach out to Sonya Hoo at hoo.sonya@bcg.com or Sarah Goldberg sgoldberg@foundationfar.org

TO SAVE PROGRESS FOR LATER: If you would like to save the survey to complete another time, please click on the "Save" button and copy the URL that is provided. You will need this unique URL in order to resume your survey from where you left off. 

Thank you for your time and feedback. 
FFAR Management

5% Complete