DIGITAL - Special City Commission Meeting May 20, 2021

No longer on display. Expired on May 20, 2021, 12:00 PM

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Event Number

129 050 3636



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Access Code

129 050 3636

Public Comment

To participate in the meeting by making public comment please call 311 or 616-456-3000. Listen carefully to the prompts and follow them to be placed in line to make public comment. The same opportunities to speak and rules for speaking are the same for any City Commission meeting. Expand the box below to learn more.


If you have any questions you may contact the City Clerk's Office by email or phone.




About Remote/Digital Meetings

To mitigate the spread of COVID-19, to protect the public health, and to provide essential protections to vulnerable citizens, it is crucial that all Michigan citizens take steps to limit in-person contact. These critical mitigation measures include social distancing and limiting the number of people interacting at public gatherings.

To that end, it is reasonable and necessary to temporarily suspend rules and procedures relating to physical presence at meetings and hearings of public bodies and other governmental entities in Michigan. These public bodies and entities must continue to conduct public business during this health emergency, including actions to respond to COVID-19, and the general public must be able to continue to participate in government decision-making without unduly compromising public health, safety, and welfare.

In line with recent MDHHS Orders, recent legislative actions, and in an effort to promote public health, welfare, and safety, the Grand Rapids City Commission and other City Boards/Commissions will hold public meetings and hearings by electronic means.

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