LAWS Bill Search Results Page
Montana's State Legislature Official WebsiteMontana Legislature
Bill Search Results
2021 January
Regular Session

LAWS Session information Page - 2021
The 67th Regular Session of the Montana Legislature adjourned Sine Die on April 29th, 2021; Legislative day 80.

SEARCH COMPLETE: Legislator = Seth Berglee

Introduced Bills Matching the Search Criteria

| Go to Unintroduced Bill List |

* after status indicates the bill is probably dead
Total number of Introduced Bills - 6
Total number of Introduced and Unintroduced Bills - 11

Bill Type - NumberLC NumberPrimary SponsorStatusStatus DateShort Title
HB 102    LC1333Seth Berglee (R) HD 58Chapter Number Assigned02/18/2021Generally revise gun laws
HB 260     LC3099Seth Berglee (R) HD 58Chapter Number Assigned04/30/2021Revise non-resident fishing license fees
HB 279     LC0794Seth Berglee (R) HD 58Chapter Number Assigned05/12/2021Revise laws related to tax credit scholarship and innovative education programs
HB 305     LC3089Seth Berglee (R) HD 58Chapter Number Assigned04/16/2021Generally revise laws related to roadside menageries, wildlife sanctuaries, zoos
HB 540     LC3094Seth Berglee (R) HD 58(H) Died in Process*04/29/2021Revise high school and elementary school district laws
HB 637     LC1042Seth Berglee (R) HD 58Chapter Number Assigned05/14/2021Generally revise fish, wildlife, and parks laws

| Top of Introduced List |

Unintroduced Bills Matching the Search Criteria

| Go to Introduced Bill List |

* after status indicates the bill is probably dead
Total number of Unintroduced Bills - 5

Bill Draft No.
(LC No.)
Short Title
LC121511/19/2020Seth Berglee (R) HD 58(C) Draft Died in Process*04/29/2021Generally revise education laws
LC121611/19/2020Seth Berglee (R) HD 58(C) Draft Died in Process*04/29/2021Provide for carrying of concealed weapons without permit
LC121711/19/2020Seth Berglee (R) HD 58(C) Draft Died in Process*04/29/2021Generally revise education laws
LC291312/13/2020Seth Berglee (R) HD 58(C) Draft Died in Process*04/29/2021Joint Resolution encouraging U-system to support shooting sports as official
LC291412/13/2020Seth Berglee (R) HD 58(C) Draft Died in Process*04/29/2021Revise laws regarding slow moving vehicles on Montana highways

| Top of Unintroduced List |
| Top of Introduced List |

"Probably Dead" is a Bill Progress Category, and is assigned to those bills that
have been voted down or missed a transmittal deadline, and to those bill drafts
that have been canceled.
To revive a bill that is "probably dead" typically requires a supermajority vote
(usually a 2/3 vote) by the House or Senate.

04/24/2024 06:19 PM Mountain Time
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