Rewatch Real Talk: HBCU Edition

During this two-night event, our 15 featured HBCUs gave you the inside scoop on how to stand out on your college applications and information about scholarship opportunities, academic programs, student organizations, student housing and more. Register below to watch both nights of events on-demand and share with a friend.
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  • American Indian or Alaska Native
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 Featured Colleges and Universities

Bethune-Cookman UniversityNorfolk State University
Claflin UniversityNorth Carolina A&T University
Dillard UniversityNorth Carolina Central University
Florida A&M UniversitySpelman College
Hampton UniversityTexas Southern University
Howard UniversityTuskegee University
Morehouse CollegeXavier University of Louisiana
Morgan State University 

By answering the questions above, you are now registered for Real Talk: HBCU Edition part 1 AND part 2. We strongly encourage you to watch both nights since they’ll feature different universities and cover different information.